Governing Documents

All Covenants provided below are legal documents applicable to the Lots in Harbor Watch.

To assist navigation, the Covenants listed in A and C speak to the Covenants applicable to all the lots within Harbor Watch. The Covenants listed in B and B1 are Applicable to lots not contiguous to the interior lakes. Since the Covenants in C are applicable to the interior lake lots, they not only include the Covenants applicable to the remainder of the Lots, but also additional Covenants that address the interior lake lots, some of which are applicable to all Lots within Harbor Watch since the lakes are an amenity for all Lot Owners.

Covenants described in D, E, and F are addendums to earlier filed Covenants and incorporate the Covenants in Documents A and B1.

A "cliff notes" version intended to cover the Covenants as well as other policies adopted by the HOA may be found on the "Property Owners Responsibilities" page.

DISCLAIMER: Any PC readable documents on this website were created by either scanning or retyping the original documents or converting the original file to pdf format. While every attempt has been made to ensure their accuracy they are to be used as reference only. The original documents will be used to resolve any questions or concerns.

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